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Rangasthala Natulu
A Dasaratha Ramaiah
A Satyavathi
A Siva Parvathi
Aaakula Venkaiah
Aakula Appa Rao
Aakula Rangaa Kumari
Aalaa Gopala Swamy
Aamanchi Venkata Subramaniam(AVS)
Aaradhyula Koteswara Rao
Abburi Adi Narayana Sarma
Abburi Subba Rao
Abburi Vara Prasada Rao
Abburi Venkata Ramarao (AVR), Visahkapatnam.
He served as Artist and Announcer to ALL INDIA RADIO for 30 years. In 1977, he has won the National Best actor for a social play.
He also acted in 15 - 20 films like "Sree Variki Premalakha", "Mudhamandharam", "Challenge", "Lorry Driver", "Papa Kosam",etc ...
He did his diploma in acting from Andhra University and he has been the producer for the stage play "Amma" which has swept all the competetions for that year in 1997.
Contributed by : Sashikanth Abburi, Visakhapatnam, India, abburisashi@yahoo.com
Addanki Sreerama Murthy
He used to act as "Dharma Raju" in Pandava vudyoga vijayamulu drama and was very famous in this role
& as "Harischandra" opposte Pasupuleti kannamba! Played "Dasaratha" role in the early Telugu film "Paaduka Pattabhishekam".
Popularly known as "Addanki". Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi
Adigopula Sai Sekhar
Akki Venkateswarlu
Alapati Surya Prakasa Gupta
Anisetty Satyavathi
Aradhyula Venkata Subba Rao
Aradhyula Venkateswara Rao
Atmakuri Rama Koteswara Rao
B Siva Kumar
B Valeswara Rao
B Veera Raju
B Vijaya Kumar
Bachchu Samba Siva Rao
Banda Kanakalingeswara Rao
Bejjam China Kotaiah
Bellamkonda Subba Rao
An Advocate in Narasa Rao Peta, Guntur Dt. He was famous in the role of "Krishna" in
Pandava Vudyoga Vijayamaulu stage drama. Since, he used to play the role, preserving his natural big moustache,
he used to be popularly referred as "Meesala Krishnudu"! Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi
Betha Venkata Rao
Bhagavatula Rajagopala Rao : Late Sri Bhagavatula Rajagopala Rao was a wealthy landlord who owned
and maintained Rama Vilasa Sabha of Tenali. He directed several stage plays including Prataparudreeyam,
Roshanara, Kanyasulkam, Mayasabha and Nartanasala. He translated Shakespeare dramas into Telugu
and wrote Nartanasala. Dr. Govindarajula Subba Rao, Madhavapeddi Venkataramaiah, Sthanam Narasimha Rao,
Peddipatla Chalapati, Vangara Venkatasubbaiah, Narumanchi, Hulakki and other great actors worked for
Rama Vilasa Sabha. In Rama Vilasa Sabha, Sthanam Narasimha Rao was a salaried employee and acted in
female roles ¡§C Roshanara, Madhuravaani, Draupadi, etc. Sri Rajagopala Rao hails from Nandur near
Ponnur in Guntur Dist. and was the first son of Sri Bhagavatula Sree Rama Sastry and Smt.Sundaramma.
His family was originally from Kolluru near Tenali. Contributed by B. R. Sastry, Vancouver, Canada.
Bhimavaram Lakshmaiah
Bindu Madhavi
Bitra Punnaiah
Boina Bhargavi
Bommaraju Lakshmi Narayana
Bommareddy Satyanarayana Reddy
He is from Machavaram Vijayawada and played thousands of stage plays all over AP. Contributed
by : Bommareddy Satyanarayana Reddy, Machavaram, Vijayawada, AP
Bonepalli Venkateswara Rao
Burra Jaya Lakshmi
Burrabala Venkata Sai
BV Brahmaiah
B.V.Rama Rao
Ch L Narsu
Ch Narayana Murthy
Ch Siva Prasad
Challa Venkateswarlu
Chendu Bhaskar Rao
Chennam Subba Rao
Cherukumalli Singa Rao
Cherukupalli Rama Rao
Cheruvu Siva Rama Sastry : Born in 1903 in Mailavaram (grandparent's house) and was
a native of Bapatla, Gunturdistrict. He is the beloved disciple of Belamkonda Subba Rao.
He played with Bellamkonda Subba Rao, Adanki Sri Rama Murti, Pulipati Venkatesvarlu,
Abburi and famous Sthanam Narasimha Rao. In 1930s he acted in silent movies with Lakshmi
Rajyam and Suri Babu. From 1937 to 1947 he often gave shows in Bombay (Mumbai), Madras,
Hyderabad and all over Andhra Pradesh together with these actors. Siva Rama Sastry played
in Udyoga Vijayam (as Krishna), Paduka pattaabhishekam (as Bharata), Harischandra
(as Harischandra), Bobbili yuddham (as Ranga Rao), Chandra Gupta (Siva Rama Sastry as
Chandra Gupta and Stanam Narasimha Rao as Mura) and other. The people of Bapatla honoured him
at the completion of his age of 60 years with a big ceremony together with the cultural minister
of Andhra Pradesh Kala Venkata Rao as the functional president and Pasala Purna Chendra Rao
the director of Vijayawada radio station, the speaker of the function. He died in 1974
in Bapatla at the age of 71 and survived in his four children.
Dhulipala Sitha Rama Sastry.
A very great stage actor from Guntur. In the role of "Duryodhana", he was next only to the legendary
Madhavapeddi Venkata Ramayya! He also joined telugu film field and played character roles in several films.
Popularly known as "Dhulipala"! Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi
Late Shri Bhyrava Murthy garu was born in Eluru and settled in Kothagudem due to his employment with Singareni Collieries . He was active member and director with Collieries Employees Recreation (CER) Club and acted and directed several stage dramas and one act plays including Kanyasulkam, Alluri Seetharama Raju, Krishna Rayabaram and his one act play ¡°Paga?written by Gollapudi Maruthi Rao garu won a couple of prizes during the competitions. He was appreciated by the Singareni Collieries management and was honored for his Girisam role in Kanyasulkam. With his association with Late Banda Kanakalingeshwar Rao garu and Late Nanduri Subbarao garu, a couple of dramas written and directed by him pertaining to Singareni collieries Karmikulu were broadcasted in All India Radio Vijayawada Karmikula Karyakramam.
Contributed by : Kandukuri Mallikarjuna Raja, Sudan
Kandula Raja Rao
Kanneganti Madhu
Kanneganti Nasarayya
Kanneganti Radha
Kanneganti Sita Kumari
Karumuri Sita Ramaiah
Kasturi Narasimha Rao
Katari Radhakrishna Murthy (R.K.Katari) : He is a Drama artist, who one the Best actor award in All
India Civil services Drama Competetions held in Tripura. For more details, you can contact him in the
address given below: Katari Radha Krishna Murthy, Flat no 111, Block 1, SMR Metropolis, Miyapur,
Hyderabad - 500049, Tel : 040 23046285.
Madhavapeddi Satyam
Madhavapeddi Satyam was also born in Brahmana Koduru (v), guntur dt to Madhavapeddi Lakshmi Narasayya and Sundaramma, in the 3rd
decade of 20th century. He had a rich and melodius voice and was a recognised singer, even from childhood! He came to limelight on the
Telugu Stage, as a member of the famous Malladi Suryanarayana drama trupe, for his role as"Nakshathraka" in "Harischandra" drama.
His talent was recognised by Late Chakrapani who took him to Madras to act in the film "Shavukaru", produced by him and Nagi Reddy under
the newly founded banner "Vijaya pictures". Though he acted in this and a few other telugu films, essentially being a talented singer, he
attracted the attention of famous cine music directors, such as S. rajeswara rao, Ghantasala venkateswara rao and many others, who utilised him
as a cine play back singer. He is reported to have sung nearly 7000 songs in films, some o0f which are in other indian languages too!
He lent his voice particularly to S.V. Ranga Rao and Relangi Venkata Ramayya, in most of their films. He was specially famous for singing telugu
stanzas in Mythological films. He has earned unprecedented name and fame, particularly for the song "Vivaha Bhojanammu" in the film
"Maya Bazaar", produced by Vijaya Film pictures! Satyam passed away in Dec 2000, leaving a void in telugu film industry, that is hard to fill up! Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi.
Madhavapeddi Venkata Ramaiah
Popularly known as "Madhavapeddi", Madhavapeddi Vekata Ramayya, was born to Koteswara Swamy and Venemma, in Brahmana Koduru (v),
Ponnur Mandalam in Guntur Dt, during the last decade of 19th century. Sri Madhavapeddi Venkata Ramayya was acclaimed as one of the alltime
stalwarts of the telugu stage! He was a contemporary of such great actors as, Addanki srirama murthy, Bellamkonda subba Rao,
Pulipati venkateswarlu and was particularly famous for the role of Duryodhana, in "Pandava Udyoga Vijayamulu" stage drama, penned by the
immortal Thirupathi Venkata Kavulu. He was also well known in the role of Prataparudrudu, in the stage drama, "Prataparudriyam" in which he
and Bellary Raghavacharyulu, another of the alltime stalwarts of the telugu Stage, acting in the role of Yugandhara, used to excel! It is said that
both these stalwarts, facing each other on the stage, used to skip delivery of some written dialougues, while conveying their meaning through
their wonderful facial expression and body language, much to the dismay and delight of the knowledgeble viewers!
After active stage career for over two decades, Madhavapeddi joined telugu film industry in its early phase and acted as "Nala" in the film
"Chitra Naleeyam", "Sisupala" in "Draupadi Mana Samrakshanam" and in some other early films of Telugu screen, many of which were
produced at Calcutta and Bombay, since the industry was not yet born in Madras! Madhavapeddi was known for his noblity and philanthropy
and spent his earnings to help many in dire need! Not being blessed with own children, he adopted a poor muslim boy and brought him up! Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi.
Madhuragaana Kalaanidhi Vemparla Anjaneyulu
Maharshi Raghava
Makkapati Krishna Mohan
Malladi Govinda Sastry
Malladi Krishna Prasad
Malladi Suryanarayana
Mancha Narayana
Mandalapu Indira
Mandey Shyam Kumar
Manikonda Subba Rao
Manne Srinivasa Rao ,BTech (Agri. Engg.)
Address : C/o Teja Hospital, Repalle,Tel:08648222289, 9440241271
Faculty: Actor, Director, Writer, Critic, Parishad Organiser.
Awardlu: 1. "NATYA SRI" from Allahabad Natya Sangh, Allahabad.
2. "NATYA BHUSHAN" from Utkal Yuva Samskritika Sangh, Cuttack.
3. "VISISTA VYAKTHI" from Kala Jagathi (Cultural Magazine).
4. "RANGASTHALA RATNA" from Gopi Krishna Nataka Kala Parishad, Nutalapadu
Marreddi Venkata Ramana Reddy
Marri Appa Rao
Marturi Subbulu
Master Kalyani
MD Prasad
Meena Kumari
Melam Chandra Prasad
Modukuri Subba Rao
Mopatti Rama Rao
MP Kanneswara Rao
Mudigonda Linga Murthy
Mukkamala Dattu
Mukkamala Krishna Murthy
An advocate in Guntur. Famous as stage actor from student days. Used to excel in the role of "Bussi" in"Bobbili Yuddham",
stage play. Joined telugu film field and played a number of character roles. Popularly, known as "Mukkamala"!. Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi
Nanduri Subba Rao (Radio annayya) :
Nanduri Subba Rao garu (1932-2001) was famous Radio, stage artist, play wright, Producer in All India Radio, Vijayawada since 1960 to 1990.
Famous for his lead role in Ganapathi play (written by Chilakamarthi Lakshmi Narasimham Pantulu). Also acted in and produced several hundreds of dramas from Akasavani, Vijayawada Kendra. Well known for his "Bavagari Kaburlu" and " Radio Bala Annayya". Receipient of National Awards for 2 times from I & B Ministry, Govt. of India. Acted in some telugu movies like "O Sita Katha", " Eduruleni Manishi", "Ananda Bhairavi" etc.
Contributed by,Sunitha on 30.11.07 by email
Naralasetty Samba Siva Rao
Narla Koteswara Rao
Natasekhara Krishna
Neelam Mallaiah
Nelloori Satyanarayana
Nethi Parasurama Sarma
Nimmagadda Venkateswarlu
Nimmaraju SRA Prasad
Nutakki Subba Rao
Oorvasi Sarada
P Anjaneya Sarma
P Linga Rao
P Pandu Ranga Rao
P Pichaiah Naidu
P Siva Parvathi
P Sudarsanam
Paada Rangaiah
Paarupalli Satyanarayana
Padmaja Prabhakar
Padmasri Sthaanam Narasimha Rao
Pagadala Peda Tirupati Kumari
Pagadala Rama Rao
Pagadala Shyam Sunder
Paladugu Radha Krishna Murthy
Pamulpati Chenchu Rama Rao
Panduri Kutumba Rao
Parupalli Subba Rao
Pasupuleti Kannamba
Acclaimed as the Best Stage Character Actress in those days (1930's & 40's). She was famous in the Roles
"Chandramathi, Kaikeyi, Nayakuralu etc". Joined Telugu Cine Field and became equally famous! Contributed by : Satya.M. Madhavapeddi
Thondapu Rami Reddy: A great stage actor from kakinada.He had rich melodious voice and
was a recognised singer, even from his childhood. Used to excel in all roles. Ramayya was
acclaimed as one of the all time STAR & LEGEND of the telugu stage. His rendering of verses
was very much acclaimed and appreciated for clarity and heart-touching recitation. He won
many awards too.
Ubba Ankaiah
Gana Gandharva, Gana Kousthubhalankara, Ganabhinaya Kalanidhi, Swarna kiriti etc. Basically, he hails from Prakasam Dt, and settled in
Hyderabad. He acted as Sri Krishna, Narada, Bhakta Ramdas, Anjaneya, Dharmaraju etc. Right now, he is special advisor to TTD. He won many
awards too. Even now we can hear his metallic voice from AIR. Contributed by : RamaKoteshwarRao on 7th Dec 2002
He is a great stage actor from Mandarada (Srikakulam Dist).He had rich melodious voice from his childhood. Used to excel in all roles.
He used to act as" Nakshatrakudu" role in Satyaharischandra natakam,
He use to act in so many roles such as rama in ramanjaneya yuddam, krishna in Srikrushna Tulabharam, Harischandra etc.
He got so many honourable awards like 'Suvarna hasta ganta kankana Abhinava Kuchela", "Gana kala paripurna" etc.
He also made a film on Satyaharischandra". It is a pure padyanatakam movie with real rangasthala actors.
Yeleswarapu Kutumba Sastry
Basically he was a teacher, homeopathy practitioner and a family man and possess the privilege of being the founder member of Rama Vilas Sabha of Tenali, whose troupe-members staged a number of historic and mythological Dramas all over Andhra and outside the State also. He enacted about 70 different roles, major and minor like Krishna, Karna, Kanwa Maharshi, Vidyanadhudu etc. He was a contemporary of the great stage actors like Addanki Sri Rama Murthy, Madhapeddy Venkatramaiah, Sthanam Narasimha Rao, Govindarajula Subba Rao, Peddipatla Chalapathi and a host of other luminaries with whom he shared the theatre in various plays. Apart from this, he had also acted in four (4) films during 1930¡¯s. Unfortunately he expired at an early age of 49 in 1942 before his talents were better known.
His legacy was taken-up by his third son Yeleswarapu Satyanarayana, a teacher and a popular stage actor. Sri Satyanarayana was also a member of Surabhi Natyamandali for some period and acted in plays like Dharanikota, Telugutalli, Sowdhamini a number of times during the 60¡¯s. He was a contemporary and an Advisor in theatre arts to renowned stage actors¡¯ viz., Teegala Sesha Rao and Dr. Tarani of Chebrole, Guntur District. His rendering of verses was very much acclaimed and appreciated for clarity and heart-touching recitation.
Contributed by : Ramachandra Rao, 4th son of Late Sri Yeleswarapu Kutumba Sastry ,H.No. 16-2-836/L, Plot-39 , Madhavnagar, Saidabad
Hyderabad - 500 059 [AP], Contact Phone :040 - 55291014, e-mail : rcr_yeleswarapu@hotmail.com
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